University.Now, an initiative concerning mid-level staff and the future of Swiss universities

Our board member Alexei Evstratov is part of the organizing committee for the event titled

University.Now, Quelle université aujourd’hui ? Forum de la relève suisse

which will be held in Lausanne on the 5th and 6th of December.

Please follow this link for more information in French and this link for more information in English.

We will post updates and further information in the coming days.

actionuni responded to the consultation on the SHK ordinance on the coordination of higher education teaching

The ordinance focuses on higher education at all three types of universities, defining which types of academic diplomas and certificates can be issued, how many ECTS are associated to each kind of study program and which sort of institutions is allowed to offer third-cycle programs such as doctorates.

Our main feedback point as actionuni is that UAS and PH should, similarly to cantonal universities and federal polytechnics, be also allowed to develop and offer their own third-cycle study programs, provided a rigorous quality control procedure be put in place to ensure quality standards comparable to those of existing third-cycle programs.

Read our full response here (in Italian).

actionuni – der Schweizer Mittelbau supports the Swiss Women’s Strike on 14 June 2019!

We believe that an increased promotion of women is necessary in order to draw on the full potential of excellent scientists. Additionally, we think that temporarily, quota are necessary in those disciplines, where women are heavily underrepresented, especially at senior research and professorial levels. Moreover, we strive for an equal representation of women and men in decision bodies to overcome structural deficits!

Please read about our further positions in our position paper (DEFREN)

Furthermore, we would also like to inform you about the Academic Manifesto for the Feminist Strike (ENDE, FR).

actionuni responded to the consultation on the Federal Act on International Cooperation and Mobility in the Field of Education (SR 414.51)

The new law is in effect a legal formalization of policies on cooperation and mobility which are already in place. This topic is clearly central to academic and professional training.

Our main feedback points were the following:

  • we recognize the need for the Confederation to be able to manage its programmes more autonomously
  • we support the establishment of a national agency with a specific executive mandate concerning the instruments of implementation of the policies presented by the law
  • we welcome the opening to non-European educational realities
  • we stress the need for the Confederation not to distance itself too much from the cooperation and mobility programmes linked to the European Union.

Read the full letter here (in Italian).

Election of the new actionuni board and representatives

On 13 May 2019 the General Assembly of actionuni der Schweizer Mittelbau elected a new tripartite co-presidency and a new board.

Congratulations to board members Isabel Bolliger, Alexey Evstratov, Carmen Faso, Rashmi Rai-Rawat and to our newly-acquired actionuni representatives Sophie Girardin and Cosima Locher!

The co-presidents Carmen Faso, Isabel Bolliger and Rashmi Rai-Rawat wish to thank all previous board members and especially former co-presidents Salome Adam and Suzana Atanasoski for the excellent work done over the past year.



actionuni responded to the consultation on the new law for the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education (EHB)

The new law suggests that the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education is being recognized and accredited as a University of Teacher Education.

Our main feedback points were:

  • The new law shall include a paragraph on securing the autonomy of the institution.
  • Not only EHB will be active in vocational education, but shall do so in synergy with existing offers at existing Universities of Teacher Education.
  • A paragraph on proper participation rights for staff and students of EHB must be introduced.

Read the full Vernehmlassungsantwort (German).

Save the date: General Assembly 2019

We invite you to actionuni’s next General Assembly, followed by an Aperó:

May 13, 2018, 4:00-7:00 p.m. in Bern

Location: University of Bern
Building: UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1
Room: A 201

We are looking for candidates from all types of universities, in particular from Universities of Applied Sciences and Universities of Teacher Education for the following positions:

  • co-presidents: all university types
  • board members: actuary, treasurer, webmaster
  • Swiss Higher Education Conference
  • Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Student
  • Social Media Coordinator (German speaking if possible)

Please send your letters of interest to: