actionuni der Schweizer Mittelbau represents young researchers as well as the associations of non-professorial academic staff of the Swiss cantonal universities, the Federal Institutes of Technology, the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences, and the Swiss Universities of Teacher Education on the Swiss national as well as the international level. actionuni’s objectives are to improve the academic career tracks and to coordinate the activities of the Swiss associations of non-professorial academic staff. Our work is guided by our Mission Statement / Leitbild.
actionuni currently has 17 active member organizations, representing 9 cantonal universities (incl. ETH/EPFL), 5 Universities of Applied Sciences and 5 Swiss Universities of Teacher Education.
Ideally, the board has 6 members, 2 from cantonal universities (incl. ETH/EPFL), 2 from Universities of Applied Sciences and 2 from Universities of Teacher Education.
Additionally, the board’s work is strongly supported by actionuni representatives in various official commissions such as Eurodoc, the Swiss Higher Education Conference, the Swiss Accreditation Council, the Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and swissuniversities.
actionuni Statutes
The activities and the representation within actionuni are regulated by its Statutes. The official Statutes are written in German, but the French and English translations are also available.
Statuten von actionuni (Deutsch – offiziel) (last updated: 4th November 2022)
Statuts d’actionuni (traduction française) (last updated: 4th November 2022)
Statutes of actionuni (English translation) (last updated: 4th November 2022)